lecygnederavel. com = lecoeurdelhorloge.com

The Watchmaker's heart.   (is hidden here).

(I am translating this website, on my own, with the only help of M. Robert and Collins... Be nice : give me a hand and tell me there all the funny nonsenses  I surely have written. )
Summary  :
     In these pages, you will find many quotations about Maurice Ravel, aiming to sketch Ravel's intimate feelings.
This rather  indiscreet way of  approaching one of the greatest composers is due to an astonishing discovery that I made in his music.
The first step in my disclosure of a hundred-year-old secret is a novel : Le Cygne de Ravel  (Michel de Maule, Paris). The second includes this website and a publication presenting Ravel's musical act in relation with what we know of Ravel and the person hidden in his workds. It should be called  The Watchmaker's heart , in english and  Le Coeur de l'horloge
in french. The second is a bit longer due to the annexes I chose to put off in the english version.
The final step may be focused on this woman with, as for Ravel, a biographical essay and a second novel.
And therafter, I go "back to my sheep" (as we say in France)...

David Lamaze.